It is very important that our professional drivers know this is entirely optional on your part. With that in mind, it is also important that we all understand and can explain it effectively as it is ultimately good for our drivers and how it affects your pay.
Our analysis has determined that in exchange for Baylor Trucking absorbing approximately $280.00 in annual costs, our professional drivers will obtain additional take-home pay of approximately $3,000.00 per driver per year in per diem reimbursements.
What happens if a professional driver opts for per diem reimbursement:
The per mile rate will be reduced by $.15 per mile, representing the per diem rate of reimbursement. For example, a professional driver with a per mile rate of $.60 will be changed to $.45 per mile and reimbursed $.15 in per diem.
Additional per diem considerations:
The per diem portion of pay is not eligible for 401(k) match, but a professional driver can fund a higher savings percentage with the extra take-home pay provided through the per diem pay plan.
For questions or more information, please contact your driver manager or Arnie at 800-322-9567 ext 570.